Dialogo sul moderno

The theme of “modernity” was the launching pad for architecture in the 20th century, to the point of completely revolutionizing our way of life. By causing in its development absolutizations and misunderstandings, actual motives linked to the profound desire to improve everyone’s life were reconsidered. Against the theory that the 20th century connected the objective of modernity to that of the Modern Movement, this book deals with the theme of a present continuity by revealing those “open visions” that characterized modernity at the end of the 19th century. By critically reviewing the main stages of development over time - as well as the intense debates of architectural historians, architects and contemporary scholars - the thesis of modernity as tradition, research, criticism, place of contradictions is supported. Further echoed by that of “architecture tout court”, enhancing the present environment in its current fragility of views - even more so today with the appearance of a virus capable of undermining our way of living. These are “contemporary modernisms” aimed at recovering the essence of a recent past to project it into the present, restoring to architecture that long-neglected role of critical construction and formation of society in an era, ultimately defined as “of Rembrandt beauty.”

Via Alfonso Turconi 25, 6850 Mendrisio, Switzerland

Friday December 1st




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