• Homelessness
The dismaying homelessness problem has led to waste and abuse by the wily Homeless- Industrial Complex, a current malignant development that must be undone and focus reset to the affected population, according to the book by Nick Patsaouras, The Making of Modern Los Angeles.
• Transit Police
A Machiavellian decision in 1997 resulted in an existential crisis for mass transit in Los Angeles, stemming to ineffectual policing in place of the dedicat ed and proven transit police, thereby negatively impacting rider safety, according to Nick Patsaouras in his book, The Making of Modern Los Angeles.
• Olympic Games
Traffic and smog, two frightful nemeses pr edicted for the Los Angeles Olympics, did not materialize in 1984 because of long-term and determined planning and adroitness by transit and air pollution officials resulting in a winning Olympiad, according to Nick Patsaouras in his book, The Making of Modern Los Angeles.